As alkali is added to the dyebath, dyes react with the cellulosic fiber (forming covalent bonds) – however dyes are also hydrolyzed with water. The hydrolyzed dyes only adsorb weakly onto the fiber surface.
In the neutralization step, the weakly adsorbed hydrolyzed dyes start to bleed out as their adsorption to the fiber surface weakens.
Extensive and repeated washing & soaping is required to remove hydrolyzed dyes that have not formed a covalent bond with the fiber to achieve desired color fastness.
The added Livinguard +DYE permanently adsorbs to the fiber. Hydrolyzed dyes are attracted by the cationic charge and strongly bound. No additional washing steps are required.
Covalently bound dyes
Hydrolyzed dyes
Livinguard +DYE
Up to 20%
cost savings
From reduction of water, energy, dyestuff & auxiliaries and simplified RO process
Up to 40%
productivity increase
From reduction of total process time required from dyeing over soaping & washing post dyeing to finishing
Up to 30% production capacity increase
Added production capacity without requiring any new capital investment into new equipment
Up to 60%
energy savings
From fewer washing cycles carried out at room temperature and eradication of RO treatments to recover salt
Up to 50%
of water savings
From reduction of soaping & washing cycles required post dyeing to extract unfixed dyes
Chemical additive optimization
Partial or complete substitution of other chemical additives (e.g. fixing agents) from the process
Lower dosage of dyestuffs
Up to 20% lower dosing of dyestuffs and lower dye burden in the effluent due to higher dye uptake
Enhanced production resilience
Higher production up-time even during water shortages
Cost-effective implementation
No capital expenditures needed, fully compatible with existing equipment
Conventional process
of water usage and processing time are spent on washing unfixed dyes out of the treated fabric post dyeing
of energy consumption is required to carry out washing and soaping at high temperatures
Livinguard +DYE process
Whitepaper - Review of Alternative Technological Approaches for Mitigation of Ecological Footprint of Cotton Dyeing
234 kB

Livinguard +DYE can have a transformative impact on the world
Our technology is a sustainability game changer - assuming 10% of the addressable production moves to Livinguard's +DYE technology will yield massive water and CO2 savings

20 Billion L /year
Water savings
650 Million Kg /year
CO2 savings